Hello and welcome! While I’m currently not teaching, these FAQs are available for people who want to buy an instrument in Portland Oregon from a great local shop, take music lessons in Portland, or read about how to select new instruments for the beginner.

 I have left some brief general FAQ’s up.

Thank you,

Amanda Falke

Q. Who are you?

A. I’m a software engineer with a background of  musician of many years who ran a music instruction studio in Portland Oregon for 15 years. I still occasionally teach close friends.

I have a music degree, and I’m a Computer Engineering undergraduate at Portland State University in Oregon. I have code on Github if you’d like to see it.

Q. Where should I buy my instrument?

A. click here for my Recommended Shops in the Portland Oregon area.

Q. How do I buy an instrument?


• How to buy a cheap beginner’s guitar
• How to buy kid’s guitar
• How to buy strings
• Recommended Music Stores and Shops in Portland Oregon: Where musicians in the know buy their instruments, get them repaired, and have them customized

Q. What Will Happen During The Lesson?

A. Bring your iPod, CDs, or just a YouTube link. I’ll learn it by ear, on the spot, and teach you a version within your playing capabilities.

Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Ukulele, Voice, Mandolin, Piano/Keyboards/Synthesizer, Bass Guitar, Basic Percussion, Drum Machines, Ableton Live, Electronic Music, Video Game Music and Instruments, and Turkish and Arabic Instruments. All genres are acceptable. There are no limitations on genre. Do not ask me what you should play. Tell me what you should play. I will teach it to you. 

Q. What Will We Play?

A. It’s your choice. You may choose learn music theory, soloing, and improvising using intervals, scales, and chord progressions; learn how to read music, learn how drum machines work, or learn how to sequence a synthesizer.

Q. Can I Learn Electronic Music?

Yes, you can learn electronic music and production at Whirling Squirrel Music, but since I moved into the guitar shop I pretty much only teach stringed instruments there. Contact Jeremy Highhouse for Ableton Lessons.

A music teacher in Portland Oregon